While I only see her once a week, she gets after it all week long on her own. She has made great strides in changing her lifestyle, increasing her self confidence, improving her conditioning, and getting stronger the weight room. She always has a positive attitude and is ready to get to work when she comes in for a training session. That is why I am proud to honor her as the Gladiator of the Month for June.
Before I started training, I easily got tired before the end of a work day and wasn’t comfortable wearing very fitted clothes. I knew I wasn’t eating the healthiest food, but I kept giving into this bad habit. I also felt uncomfortable talking with clients about how their pets needed to lose weight when I was struggling with the same problem.
I decided to start training to get out of this rut of not feeling confident about the shape of my body or what kind of food I was putting into it. Joining Club Fitness was the first step, but starting a training program was a great idea for keeping myself accountable to my goals and having someone help me reach my goals.
Eating healthier (and trying my best to avoid eating sweets) has become a lot easier. Making healthy choices feels normal to me now. Some weeks when I think about it, I’m surprised how much I go to the gym. It has become a normal habit for me now. I like not feeling sluggish after eating healthy meals compared to the feeling I got after eating fat and carb-filled meals. I like that I don’t feel self-conscious when wearing fitted clothes. I’m excited to show off my toned arms and legs in summer clothes!
My lifestyle has changed since it’s become a habit for salads and vegetables to be common in every meal. I also have learned to make my workouts a priority. I don’t mind being a little sore the day after a long workout! I’ve run a couple of 5Ks which I’m not nervous to sign up for anymore. I’m surprised I can do that now! I like that I’m not the lazy one out of my friends and that we can talk about our exercise goals together. I wasn’t too familiar with strength training, but it’s nice not to feel out of place on the weight lifting floor now. It’s crazy the amount of weight I can squat and dead lift now!
I had to give up always eating what my family eats. I had to learn to make better choices if needed. I had to learn not to give into comfort foods and sweets are still an indulgence I struggle with. I’ve really decreased them since when I started training, though.
It’s a nice boost of confidence when a friend I haven’t seen for months or a co-worker notices how my posture has changed since starting training and how I’ve slimmed down. I feel like I can now give other people tips for eating right and incorporating strength training and cardio into an exercise program. Thanks Cory!!